Mono V2 beta patch note

EDIT: found the link in v2.0 thread. Will drop it here in case others see this :slight_smile:

You’re the best!! I’m excited to try v2.0 Beta 1! I have not received an email to download the new sysx file though; @Mathieu can you drop a link please?


Just dropping by for a word of support to Norand for this massive upgrade and all the work it requires.

Although I cannot take part in beta testing at the moment (too busy with work), I can’t wait to see the new FW in action!


tried 3 x times today to install 20b2

199 first, no problem,
bootloader then, no problem
20b2 then: stuck in the calibration

every time

i like this synth a lot, but man the betas are giving me a hard time
that never happened with other companies


I updated to 199 without a problem.
Uploaded bootloader, and trying to update 2.b1 or 2.b2 and my Nornand does not restart or calibrate.
If i turn on the device nothing happens unless i put it on update mode.
Can I revert to V1? Where can I download the file?


You can revert to 1.99

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V2.0 beta 3 (stable)

New feature:

  • V1 project transcription : when booting after updating from 1.99, Mono will transcript your “old” project into the new format, this taakes a while but is visible on the interface. Once the project is loaded you can listen to your old pattern before saving into the new format.
  • V2 Program dump
  • V1 and V2 project program receive with the usual key combination
  • Clear pattern velocity automation [DELETE] + [SLIDE]
  • Clear pattern accent automation [DELETE] + [ACCENT]
  • Clear pattern aftertouch automation [DELETE] + [UP]
  • Clear pattern vertical automation [DELETE] + [DOWN]
  • Clear pattern slide [SLIDE] + [DELETE]
  • Clear pattern accents [ACCENT] + [DELETE]
  • Set Mod note midi channel : Go to Midi param with [FUNC] + [MIDI/Clock], hold [MIDI/Clock] and select channel with a [SEQ] key.
  • Play/Record mod note via MIDI : use the mod note midi channel (channel 2 by default)
  • Mute : The “mute” key previously was [SLIDE], it is now [DOWN] (Hold down + key or modnote to mute/unmute) hold DOWM amd press delete to unmute all
  • CV output calibration : You can now precisely calibrate the CV outputs of mono. The calibartion work by octave, you can precisely set the voltage output level for each of the 11 octaves, on each output (From -5V to +5V). To do so, boot the unit while holding [UP] + [DOWN], connect CV1 output to a precise VCO, set the offset for the first octave using VCO1 Freq knob. Press [C] to switch to the next octave, set the offset with the same pot … and so on. Once you are done with CV1 it’ll switch to CV2. Repeat the operation until the end, and voila. Note : Most analog VCO don’t have a -5V to 5V range at their input, so make sure to use one that does, or just don’t change the calibration of the out-of-range low octaves.

Bug fixes :
There is 188 closed tickets on the issue tracker, I will spare you the list.



V2.0 beta 5


If you haven’t installed beta3 or beta4 before, please follow the instructions of beta3, replacing mono_v2.0b3.syx by mono_v2.0b5.syx.

If you previously had beta 3 or beta 4installed, you can directly install mono_v2.0b5.syx : Reboot in the secondary bootloader ([TEMPO] + [FUNC] and power cycle) then send the mono_v2.0b5.syx file. Make sure to wait until the unit boots and is responsive.


A couple of overflow bugs were found and solved, which mean that prior to this version there was a possibility that your project would get corrupted. If you experience a freeze, this might be the cause. In that case please copy/paste another empty project over the corrupted one, or simply wipe the memory with [FOLLOW] + [F#] + [G#]+ [A#] at boot if you don’t have data you wish to keep.

New feature:

  • Morphing rework : A lot of small but important improvement where made to the morphing system. On top of a lot of bug fixes, there are 2 new feature.
  • When starting to morph from main to morph pattern by holding [FUNC], you will need to bring the [CUTOFF] pot to the previous morphing position to enable it, e.g. fully CCW at the beginning of the morph, to avoid weird morph jump.
  • When reaching full CC position (main pattern silent, morph pattern full), the 2 pattern will swap : the main pattern will become the morph and vice versa. The previous morph pattern is now active and editable. To morph back, you need to go back to CCW position and proceed!
  • You can now save the current morph patch in a new pattern : go to pattern mode, hold record and press a pattern slot. The patch will be created there, it’ll copy pattern A or B steps depending on your morph position.
  • Improved CV output calibration : same system but you can now use Freq for rough calibration and fine pot for fine!

Bug fixes:

  • Clock/Reset now works properly
  • MIDI/USB clock was sometime not working properly, this was fixed
  • Some fatal bugs were found on the sequencer (unlinked XEnv was causing crash and project corruption, among others), all taken care of
  • CV/Gate out now works properly
  • Solved a few bugs regarding scales and scale auto transpose



  • Beta5 now loaded and running without issue-- 3 auto tuning routines, then automatic reboot. Does not delete current project. User must hard reboot before using (my Volume was reversed before hard reboot)

  • CV/Gate now working after CV calibration-- User MUST scale CV1 and CV2 all the way through to “store” settings.

can anyone explain if i have to update via another beta? eg: if i want to update to beta 5 do i need to update to beta 2? or do i just skip over to beta 5?

Updates are cumulative. So yes, update to Beta 5.

V2.0 beta 6


If you haven’t installed beta3, 4 or 5 before, please follow the instructions of beta3, replacing mono_v2.0b3.syx by mono_v2.0b6.syx.

If you previously had beta 3, 4 or 5 installed, you can directly install mono_v2.0b6.syx : Reboot in the secondary bootloader ([TEMPO] + [FUNC] and power cycle) then send the mono_v2.0b6.syx file. Make sure to wait until the unit boots and is responsive.

Bug fixes:

  • More pattern morph tweaking
  • LEDs shows pattern correctly in pattern mode
  • TEMPO + X-ENV AMOUNT works correctly for tempo change
  • Mod Note patch sometime didn’t load properly
  • Interface unresponsive after copy/paste patterm
  • Pitch bend range was off by 1 semitone
  • Randomize step & mod note doesn’t affect fine parameters anymore
  • Improved undo redo in record mode
  • MIDI clock could not start under certain situation
  • Improved mod note randomizer
  • Improved note vizualization


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Hey there,

I’ve spent many hours trying to upgrade my unit to the V2.0b6 version, but it seems that I’m stuck at the secondary bootloader. After updating to the secondary bootloader, the 3 LEDs to the left should light up but also dim again. With my unit, the 3 LEDs remain on and the unit is unresponsive after turning it back on. What do I do? It doesn’t say in the comments. I’ve tried reverting to 1.99 and putting in the secondary bootloader many times, it always keeps giving the 3 LEDs. When I try to update to V2.0b3, the bit transfer gets stuck at 256 bytes and the unit is unresponsive.

Can someone tell me how to get past the second bootloader stage and not be stuck at the three LEDs that keep burning?


Also, I tried reverting back to the original firmware 1.2.3. After loading it into the unit it doesn’t turn back on.

This is getting pretty frustrating…


Had same issue with being stuck at the 3 LED’s as tom-kootstra. Maybe a bug/gremlin/glitch of some sort, no idea but I’m sure it will be sorted and perhaps this may lend some light. I thought at first there was some long delay with the Mono perhaps recalibrating or such like but for sure the machine seems unresponsive, left if for a good 30 mins after reboot/beta install and tried rebooting several times to only have same issue. Perhaps the following info will also be useful for Mathieu. It seems other users have not had the problem so a bit weird.

I also reverted to V1.99 etc. Clear memory, install V2 boot loader. reinstalled several earlier V2 betas and upgraded from them. (btw never had a problem before with beta installs)

No matter what beta OS of V2 i tried from (I had V2.b5 on Mono to begin with and I also tried direct with a clean install of V2.b3-2.b6) I still experienced the 3 LED’s on boot from an installed V2.b6.

I persisted a bit so perhaps this hopefully will also work for you or others that may experience the same issue in the meantime if it is bug related and or perhaps something even user related.

On boot at the 3 LED’s from installing 2.0b6, the third LED is flashing and Mono unresponsive.

Carry out the reset memory/clear function - simultaneously hold: F sharp G sharp A sharp + Follow key and power on.

Now here’s where it worked for me…normally this clear function is pretty immediate but this doesn’t seem to work on the unresponsive Mono and the machine just remains in this unresponsive state on boot when you let go of the key combo.

So try keeping the clear memory button combo and power button held in for 4-5 seconds or longer and wait to see if Mono’s memory resets/clears then kicks in, I tried this 3-4 times with different timings (cant remember if I also tried letting go of the power button but also maintaining holding the button combo till Mono resets but no problem to try) and it eventually booted, the LED’s will then start to rebuild/illuminate.

The Mono was then responsive and booting okay.

I have not extensively tested but all seems to be okay and Mono booting/working.

BTW Just to say to Mathieu and team. Appreciate the phenomenal hard work and development of the firmware to V2 (its fantastic and the Mono is so slick) that has been undertaken on the Mono since launch and in such difficult Covid times getting the machine built. An amazing machine for sure and a future club classic amongst its many talents.

I tried going back to V1.99 → secondary bootloader → V2.0b2 many times, didnt work.

The three LEDs never dimmed after sending the secondary bootloader!

@tom_kootstra Trying to help out. I had problems updating the first few times.
Make sure you follow all of these steps:
0.) If you haven’t already, send it mono_secondary_bootloader.syx… Matthieu and others noted that this should only have to go once in the Mono’s life. … After this succeeds (its quick at about 20 seconds) it began 3 pass auto-calibration and rebooted itself. Pass 3 takes the longest.
1.) PATTERN + RUN + Power On. If you haven’t already successfully sent it mono_V1.99.syx then do so… After this completed for me the first time, steps 1-16 and Pattern were flashing. I let them flash for a few minutes, but nothing happened.
2.) Power Cycle
3.) This should set the Norand Mono to be basic “1.0” features and work normally.
4.) Now hold down Tempo+Function + Power On and send it mono_V2.0b6.syx … watch the steps go all the way through to 16. This takes about 60 seconds on mine, much faster than 1.0. After this, it automatically runs a new Auto-calibration routine while the step LED’s indicate status. At the end of this, all step LED’s may remain lit. Mine did not; it just came back ready to go.
5.) You may want to do a “Clean Memory” boot via F#+G#+A#+Follow+Power … this shows Step LED’s gradually 1 through 16 and reboots automatically. A couple upgrades caused weird behavior like knobs not responding and random reboots.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes!

Hey Shane,

I have sent the secondary bootloader many times. How long do you think the 3rd pass should take? I’ve waited 10 minutes for the 3 LEDs to clear but they stay lit.

When I send the V1.99 version after pressing PATTERN + RUN + Power, step 1 - 16 slowly light up, until they are all lit, but they never start flashing.

I don’t know what you’re supposed to see when pushing Fsharp + Gsharp + Asharp + FOLLOW + Power (to clear the memory), but with my unit it really quickly lights all LEDs and then turns off. What are you supposed to see when clearing memory?

The same thing happens when I push TEMPO + FUNC + Power. It doesn’t start calibrating.

Is there a chance anything is broken?

Before I tried to upgrade to V2.0b3, the V2.0b2 was working just fine!


Huh. Weird.
The last few releases, I’ve ONLY sent it the new release, never bootloader.

1.99: I’m not sure if after steps 1-16 light up if they just park there or what.
When you do a “CLEAR” I don’t think anything flashes or happens. I’ve only done it once and I thought it didn’t take but it cleared everything and knobs went back to normal.
Try Tempo+Function + Power On and send it mono_V2.0b6.syx and see if it finishes thru to step 16. Then let it sit for about a minute and if it’s plugged into audio you can hear it calibrating 3 times. The first two calibrations take about 30 seconds, while the 3rd always takes longer.

If this doesn’t work I would go to your “last known good” upgrade (2.0b2) and try that again, THEN go to 2.0b6

Hey Tom were you able to fix this issue, I have only tried to load V1.99 and the unit is now unresponsive. I’ve tried several times today and it appears to loading but once all the LED’s have lit up it just freezes and if I reboot nothing lights or responds unless I hold the PATTERN + RUN when I power cycle, I had a feeling I shouldn’t have tried because now I can’t use it for my gig next week, disappointed to say the least.

OK so no idea why it worked the 18th time but it did so I have a working unit again.