Midi In channels


I have my Mono MK1 set to receive MIDI on Ch6. But it simultaneously responds to incoming notes on Ch 2 and 3.

Is this a bug or is there another setting somewhere I wanna update?


I had that same problem a couple of months ago. Change/Turn off Mod Note MIDI Channel?

On channel 2, the mod note is played, the beta patch note Mono V2 beta patch note - #13 by Mathieu says you can change it like this: Go to Midi param with [FUNC] + [MIDI/Clock], hold [MIDI/Clock] and select channel with a [SEQ] key

On channel 3, the “basic patch sound” is played by default. I couldn’t find a fix for that.

In the end, I just blocked channel 2+3 in my “MIO XL” MIDI hub for all outgoing traffic to the Norand Mono. You could also do this with the “MIDI Solutions Eventprocessor”, but maybe there is another solution?

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Oh, that’s annoying. Thanks for the info though.
