Mono MK II - VCA / ENV only triggered with SLIDE - need help

Hello - Hoping for some help with this situation:

I seem to have entered into some operating mode where by the VCA or the Envelope controlling it only seems to tigger when i have SLIDE activated on a step

for example i have a pattern 8 steps long with 3 steps containing note information (as shown in the images)
the first step of the pattern has a SLIDE on it…

in this case only the 1st note is audible via the ENV, unless i set the sustain + release to maximum, and then i get a long held sound ,with the pitch from all the steps.

IF i remove the SLIDE on step one the Audio fades out after the Env Release time and i am left with no sound…

Im not sure how i got the Mono into this mode.
I tried reinstalling the Firmware, to 2.1.2 but this did not change anything…

If anyone has any clues or suggestions that would be appreciated. thank you

Can’t say anything about your specific problem, but did notice your heading refers to the mark2 Mono, and you mention firmware 2.1.2. There are different firmware tracks for each version of the Mono, and that one is for the mark1.