Mono feature suggestions

  1. It would be nice to chain more than 8 patterns together in the Song Mode before looping back to the first.

  2. Could the Mono be set to boot to the last project / pattern instead of always #1?


A big +1 to this. I rarely want to start with the first project.


Ability to reduce probability of all the pattern trigs with just one knob

(I often end up with very busy patterns, that would be an easy way to make some air)

Ă€ propos probability:

Ability to inject probability based accents/slides into the pattern by turning a knob
(This is different from random accents/slides as they would occur on different trigs in every sequencer cycle)

Slide range: you could determine the range over which parameters slide

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I am very surprised by how disoriented I am by returning to project 1 pattern 1 every time I turn it on. Remembering where I was upon startup is my greatest feature request!

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I put this on the other thread (Mono Firmware V2.0 Thread), sorry:

  • SONG MODE: More pattern chaining at SONG mode as 64 patterns like classic Roland TR’s, or an addition to add repetitions for pattern.

On the Uno Synth Pro every of the 16x4 steps (from 1 to 64
steps, 4 lines of 16) can be assigned to one pattern (as maximum) in SONG mode.

I see this mode is very different approach in the Norand Mono, due
you select the order of the chain as “click” order (first in, first
play). Or maybe select start to end (consecutive steps, example: 4 to
9). I don’t known which would be the easiest for development.

Many thanks!

I posted that in the Norand FB group and someone had responded-

I already asked and Norand told me this would come at the cost of longer loading times, which is not what they want(ed).

I understand e.g. you wouldn’t be able to switch project seamlessly during playback as you can now. Pondering on this, I personnally think now that it’s great that you can basically use all your projects without stopping tranport during a live set (64 patterns per project is both a lot and not much for a full performance). But it does require a bit of organizing to make sure pattern A1 is the one you want to jump to when changing project.

Perhaps refactoring of the codebase may make the pointers more easily accessible today? :slight_smile:



It would be nice to be able to move the whole steps of a pattern like on Elektron gear (FUNC + < or >) or the Erica Synths DB-01 ((SHIFT + bar < or >).



Osc phase reset, when u play note, the osc will start from 0 cycle.


the accumulator mode like on the METROPOLIX (but also Cirklon and others) would be great

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