How stable is your Mk2?

My MK2 seems to crash several times per every hour used. That’s not a good look, esp for live work. I have a MK1 and it rarely crashes.

I’d love to hear from Mathieu Frohlich or anyone working at Norand on what’s going on. You have all kind of gone dark and I’ve become such a huge fan.

For my part, the MK2 that I bought crashed directly several times on each first use. I decided to reinstall the system on the SD and after that I already had fewer bugs, or very few.
Today my machine is rather stable, there are still a few bugs, especially in the recording of patches or sometimes the machine freezes!

I notice that it crashes often after I first turn it on and engage Live Mode… PATTERN + RUN + RECORD… but other than that seems like the MK2 freezes at seemingly random times.

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