Controlling glide/slide/portamento via external sequencer

I’m using a Cirklon to sequence the Norand Mono externally, and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get the Mono to glide from one note to the next.

Is this possible with the 1.x firmware?

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Also experiencing this, can anyone assist?

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i want to know how to slide with external sequencer too :frowning:

Just wanted to check to see if anyone found a fix for this yet. I’m sequencing the norand mono mk2 v.1.2.1r with the elektron octatrack and CC 86 is supposed to activate a slide, but it doesn’t do anything no matter what value I give the cc. I have tried turning on and off legato mode on octatrack’s midi sequencer and nothing works.

I have the same problem with my mkI v1.2.1r sequenced by FL studio, impossible to de slides with the midi CC, and this since first day with the box…

If you are using a mono mk1 then you should be on v2.2.0r

oh shit i am lost with all this name’s version…
anyway, the box cant do slides with usb tempo and its a shame

Okay, I finally got cc 86 slides to work using midi in. This is with Mono mk2 v1.2.1r which at the time of writing is the most recent firmware.

Settings: Func+clock: seq:3

I think before I had the clock settings wrong.
You have to have your clock source set to MIDI if you are sending cc’s that way (which in hindsight is obvious). I was confused because I was able to trigger notes without the clock set correctly. This is also a setting in the manual that’s written incorrectly multiple times across different manual sources so that’s confusing. Anyways it works beautifully when you have the settings right.